Pixels by Paul Compatibility
Problems General FAQs: What should I do if the Pixels by Paul app is crashing or freezing? Why is only part of an image being displayed? Why can't I connect to the Pixels by Paul servers from my wifi network? Facebook FAQs: Why is it saying I've reached my limit in posting to Facebook? Text Messaging FAQs: Why can't my friends see any of the images I send them? Why do my friends receive SOME of the images I send, but not all of them? Why does it sometimes take a long time to send an image? Why do I sometimes get a red exclamation mark saying the image wasn't sent? But I have WiFi. Shouldn't it always send MMS images fast? Email FAQs:
Compatibility Problems If you have friends who say they can't view the images you send them, read this section carefully. When sending multi-media text messages and emails to others, there are many variables involved which can create compatibility problems. When sending multi-media images to other iPhone users, it's unlikely you'll have any problems, however, when sending to friends who do NOT have an iPhone, there can be compatibility issues. Depending on what cell network and type of cell phone the person you're sending to has, the images you send may or may not work. This has nothing to do with the Pixels by Paul app, but is a factor of the compatibility between: 1) the iPhone, 2) your network provider, 3) the other person's network provider, and 4) the other person's cell phone. The Pixels by Paul app simply helps you find images to use with the standard, built-in iPhone, iPod and iPad applications such as text messaging and email. Images you find using the Pixels by Paul app will have the exact same limitations and compatibility problems ANY image would have on these devices, regardless of where you find those images. PLEASE don't give the Pixels by Paul app a poor review because there are MMS incompatibilities between your cell phone and some of your friends. The Pixels by Paul app has absolutely no control over this, and it's not fair to penalize the Pixels by Paul app for incompatibilities which would be inherent with ANY image file, regardless of where you found it. If you're having compatibility problems sending certain media types to certain friends, there will not be ANY app in the app store which will solve the problem. Even using the iPhone, iPod or iPad's built-in apps will have the problem. The biggest compatibility issues with sending text messages arise when using the iPhone's copy and paste feature for inserting images. If you have friends who say they're not able to view the images you're sending them (they may say they just get a black or empty square), try using the Save method instead of the Copy method. That will often work for you. Back to Top Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why can't I connect to the Pixels by Paul servers from my wifi network? A: It's possible your wifi router has a proxy or firewall setting that is preventing the app from getting to the Pixels by Paul servers. To test if this is the case, turn off the wifi on your device and see if you can connect through your cell service. You can also test connecting from a different wifi network (at work, a friend's, a Starbucks, etc.). If it works from your cell network and/or from other wifi networks, you need to check the settings on your wifi router. This is NOT a problem with the Pixels by Paul app, but with your wifi router settings. Back to Top Q: Why is only part of an image being displayed? A: If you lose connection to the network when downloading an image, it's possible that only part of the image will be loaded. If this happens, you can fix this by clearing out the app's cache. To do this, tap on the Help tab, then tap on Settings button, then tap on the Clear Browse Cache option, and then tap the Clear Cache button. Back to Top Q: Why can't my friends see any of the images I send them? A: Their network provider or cell phone may not support MMS text messages or may be incompatible with the iPhone or your network provider. Read more about compatibility problems and what you can do about them. Back to Top Q: Why do my friends receive SOME of the images I send, but not all of them? A: This is a problem with your cell network provider, and has nothing to do with the Pixels by Paul app. AT&T (and other cell network providers) will occasionally lose or "drop" a text message. This means you could send several messages and images, and your friend gets them fine, but then just randomly, one or two of your messages are never received on the other end. This can happen with a simple text message, not just photos and images. However, the larger the message, the higher the probability seems to go up that the message could get lost in AT&T's network. It's particularly frustrating, because you have no way of knowing that your message was never received, as it appears to send fine, so you don't know you need to re-send it. Many users have spoken to AT&T about this issue, and hopefully they will eventually solve this problem. Back to Top Q: Why does my iPhone not have the Insert Multimedia button to the left of the input box in my Messages app? ![]() A: This has nothing to do with the Pixels by Paul app, but means your phone or cell network provider isn't supporting MMS text messaging. The first thing to check is that you're on the latest version of the iPhone's OS (operating system). To do this, plug your phone into your Mac or PC and use iTunes to see if an update for your phone's OS is available. (To use MMS, you need to be on the iPhone OS version 3.1 or higher.) If you are on the latest version of the iPhone's OS, and you're still not seeing the Insert Multimedia button, then you should contact Apple or your cell network provider for assistance. Back to Top Q: What should I do if the Pixels by Paul app is crashing or freezing? A: We try hard to make the Pixels by Paul app as stable as possible, but should you encounter persistent crashing or freezing, please try these two things: 1. Try rebooting your device. To reboot your device: AT THE SAME TIME, hold down BOTH the sleep/silence button (along the top edge of the phone) AND the big round home button (under the screen) for several seconds until the screen goes blank AND the Apple logo appears. Remember to keep holding both buttons down until the Apple logo appears. If you're still having problems, then try this... 2. Delete the application (hold down on the icon on the iPhone's desktop until it starts to "wiggle" and an X appears, tap the X to delete) and then reinstall it directly from the app store. Don't worry, Apple will not charge you again if you had previously paid for the app. In fact, after you tap on the buy button, it will pop up a message telling you that because you had previously purchased the app, you will NOT be charged again to re-install it. If you're still having problems after trying these two things, PLEASE let us know (email us at support@clipish.net), and we'll help figure out what's going on. Back to Top Q: Why does it sometimes take a long time to send an image? ![]() A: How long it takes to send an image has nothing to do with the Pixels by Paul app, but is entirely up to: 1) the speed of your cell connection (Edge, 3G, etc.), 2) the strength of your signal, and 3) the size of the image you're sending. If you have a strong signal with 3G connectivity, it should send most items within a few seconds. However, if you have Edge or another slow connection, it could quite a bit longer. Even with 3G, if you have a weak signal, it can take a long time to send items. This is why sometimes items will be sent very quickly, while at other times it can take much longer. (If you have constant problems sending MMS text messages, you should contact your cell network provider.) The other factor is the size of the image you're sending. For this reason, we show you the file sizes of items you find in the Pixels by Paul app. The larger the file, the longer it will take to send. If you have a slow connection or weak signal, you may want to avoid sending large files. Back to Top Q: Why do I sometimes get a red exclamation mark saying the image wasn't sent? ![]() A: As explained in the previous question, if you have a slower cell connection or a weak signal, it can take a long time to send a message. If it takes too long, the iPhone will time out and show you the red exclamation mark, as shown above. You can tap on the exclamation mark to try sending the image again once you have a stronger signal. TIP: If you keep getting this error and you're somewhere that you normally have a good signal, try putting your iPhone into "Airplane Mode" for a few seconds, then turning the Airplane Mode back off. This will force the phone to make a new connection with your cell network, and this will often help. If you have constant problems sending MMS text messages, you should contact your cell network provider. Back to Top Q: But I have WiFi. Shouldn't it always send MMS images fast? A: No, because the iPhone does NOT send text messages using WiFi. Even if you're connected to a WiFi network, the iPhone will ALWAYS uses your cell phone's network provider for sending text messages. Having WiFi DOES make running the Pixels by Paul app faster (as it pulls images from our servers using the Internet), but when you go to actually send the images in a text message, the speed will be determined by the speed of your cell connection and your signal strength. Back to Top Q: Why is it saying I've reached my limit in posting to Facebook? A: Facebook limits the number of posts a user can make using 3rd party applications. If you get an error saying you've reached your limit, you will need to wait 24 to 48 hours before Facebook will let you start posting again. PLEASE NOTE! This is a limit placed by Facebook, not the Pixels by Paul app. PLEASE don't give us a bad review for this, as we have no control over this. Back to Top Q: Why don't images line when I email them to certain friends, yet, if I email them to myself, or to other friends, they look fine? A: How an email is formatted, and how it looks when it is read, depends upon the email "client" (program) that the person you're sending the email to uses to read their emails. There are hundreds of different email clients, and each behaves differently. The Pixels by Paul app sends messages using the most standard formatting (HTML), but each email program will handle displaying HTML messages differently. For example, some people read their emails using a client application on their computer, such as Outlook. Some will use a web browser, such as Yahoo, Google and Hotmail. Many people will read emails from their cell phone. Each of these methods behaves differently. Some email programs, particularly on older or lower-cost cell phones, may not even support HTML, and won't show the images. Other email programs will show any images as attachments, and won't format them how you had laid them out. Of course, the Pixels by Paul app has no control over this. All we can do is send the emails in the most standard HTML format, and then it's up to the email program reading the email as to how it chooses to display the message. Back to Top Contact Us Thanks for using the Pixels by Paul app. If you have any questions, suggestions, feedback, or need help, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us at support@clipish.net. We can usually get back to you within an hour or two, so please don't hesitate to write. Back to Top |